Geospatial Informatics
Dr. Brianna Rita Pagán
I am first and foremost an environmentalist with a passion for making science accessible and understandable to the masses. Over the past 10 years, I have worked on local and international environmental efforts in four different countries and various U.S. states. My research and expertise is in remote sensing, eco-hydrology and climate, also receiving the prestigious American Geophysical Union Horton Hydrology Grant in 2018. I am currently a Deputy Manager at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Center Data and Information Services Center, orchestrating the transition from on premise services to an entirely cloud-based infrastructure and managing various engineering, science, and data curation teams. Previously as the Director of Remote Sensing at SpaceSense.ai, I led the research and development for new products managing a team of geospatial scientists and working alongside lead tech developers and machine learning experts to get services in production. I am interested in continuing collaborations with developers and the machine learning community to push the advancement and accessibility of environmental solutions. I remain involved with SpaceSense as a Technical Advisor and currently teach as an Adjunct Professor at Loyola Marymount University’s College of Science and Engineering. In my free time, I am an avid ultra runner and enjoy exploring the California mountain ranges with my dogs. I am part of the NNormal team and a Board Member of Footprints Running Inc.